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Did you Know:

JD.com is the world's third-largest internet company by revenue.


Company profile

  • Industry: Retail - Discretionary
  • Sector: Consumer Discretionary
  • Headquarters:   Beijing, China
  • Number of employees::   120,622

Company profile

JD.com is China?s leading one-stop e-commerce platform, providing over 320 million active customers with direct access to an unrivalled range of authentic, high-quality products, and helping leading local and international brands tap into China?s fast-growing e-commerce market.

About the Company

JD.com, Inc., also known as Jingdong and formerly called 360buy, is a Chinese e-commerce company headquartered in Beijing.

  • Subsidiaries:   JD Logistics, JD Health
  • Revenue: 462 billion CNY (US$67.198 billion 2018)


JD Building
No. 18 Kechuang 11 Street
BDA Beijing
The People’s Republic of China

    Key Persons / Board of Directors

    • CEO :  Qiang Dong Liu, EMBA

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